A series of fold out books.


Size: folded flat, 6″ X 9″ X .5″, unfolded flat, 11″ X 25.5″, sculpted variable

Maybe I belong here

Maybe I don’t belong here and I should just leave right now

But I just don’t feel that I do belong here

It seems like I could

I would like to and I have tried

I want to think what you think but I don’t

While you are talking, I am thinking about  other things

I pretend to like the things you say

I pretend to agree with you but your way of thinking is  different than mine


Size: folded flat, 8.5″ X 11″ X .5″, unfolded flat, 11″ X 34″, sculpted variable


I return

Roaming the cavernous labyrinth of interconnected rooms

Darkness and obscurity

Progressive and regressive wandering

The camera clicks, negatives drop image by image into the container of water

Black strings of emulsion drift

Dark, blurry, murky, homey, mouldering zone

Are-articulation of this inhabited space

Cuts into the dense compost of photographs

Groundless depth, stratified space and time, now pliable

Folding, taping and gluing, I seek out traces of continuity between images

Contingent bonds


A peristaltic process, images added and removed

The thick messy memory between intervals and disparities is affirmed

A sense of place emerges